SESAME Faculty

The SESAME faculty consists of professors from UC's Berkeley School of Education and a variety of Berkeley’s STEM departments.

Executive Committee

Dor Abrahamson, Professor, Berkeley School of Education
Anne Baranger, Professor, Department of Chemistry
Kris Gutiérrez, Professor, Berkeley School of Education
Armando Fox, Professor, Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences
Marcia C. Linn, Professor, Berkeley School of Education (SESAME Chair)
Zachary Pardos, Associate Professor, Berkeley School of Education
Thomas Philip, Professor, Berkeley School of Education
Michelle Wilkerson, Associate Professor, Berkeley School of Education

Affiliated faculty

Sara Beckman, Teaching Professor and Earl F. Cheit Faculty Fellow, Haas School of Business
Michelle Douskey, Lecturer, College of Chemistry
Dan Garcia, Teaching Professor, Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences
Narges Norouzi, Assistant Teaching Professor, Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences
Gireeja Ranade, Assistant Teaching Professor, Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences
David Romps, Professor, Earth and Planetary Sciences
Lisa Yan, Assistant Teaching Professor, Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences


Lloyd Goldwasser, Lecturer, Berkeley School of Education

Emeritus faculty

Alice Agogino, Professor, Mechanical Engineering
Andrea A. diSessa, Professor, Berkeley School of Education
Robert Full, Professor, Integrative Biology
Bernard R. Gifford, Professor, Berkeley School of Education
Michael A. Ranney, Professor, Berkeley School of Education
Alan Schoenfeld, Professor, Berkeley School of Education and Department of Mathematics
Angelica Stacy, Professor, College of Chemistry